Critical Concepts

Because we know reading rules and trying to remember them all can be difficult for many who are entering a recovery residence, we wanted to share what we feel are the most important things to know and understand.

The first thing to know is many of us on our team at Shawano Recovery are also in recovery and we understand that substance use disorder is a disease. We do not immediately remove a resident for relapse. We will however remove a resident immediately for lying about a relapse or hiding substance use. We put honesty above everything else.

The second thing to know is that it’s very important to our team and our local recovery ecosystem that we communicate with each other. It may feel like a lot, but for the first 20 days you are required to get approval to leave the house if it is not for recovery meetings, treatment or work. You are required to fill out the form on our website HERE This form is also used as a way to log your recovery meetings.

The third thing to know is that respect isn’t optional. You must show respect to your roommates, staff, your treatment team, probation agent, your neighbors and most importantly yourself. Treat yourself like you are someone who is responsible for helping.

Next, you need to know a few hard and fast rules.

The last thing to know is that we believe if you treat someone like a child, they will act like a child. We will assume you are an adult, that you will be truthful and forthright in everything you say and do unless you show us otherwise. We are here to help. These rules, random drug screens and any interventions are not meant to be a stumbling block to you, but rather have been put in place to help you navigate early recovery and to get along well in the recovery ecosystem.

House Rules 

Shawano | The Dwelling Initiative


To create resilient communities throughout Rural Central Wisconsin by providing resources, education and advocacy using evidence based practices and trauma informed care.

Vision:  That our communities become resilient and healthy.

Values: Servant Leadership

  • Servant Leadership
  • Compassion
  • Community
  • Acceptance
  • Integrity


Program Fees

The fee to participate in the Recovery House program is $586.00 per month. We accept cashier’s checks and money orders, payable to Shawano Recovery, for payment of program fees. Upon being accepted into the program, participants will need to arrange payment of program fees, prorated through the end of the current month. Subsequent program fees are to be paid in full by the 1st of each month thereafter. It is your responsibility to confirm any deviations from this process that have been approved by the Resident Advisor.


Participants will be informed of any payment made on their behave by a third party.


Payments are to be made, on time, to the House Manager

 On-time payment of program fees is critical to ensuring the continued operation of the Recovery House. It is your sole responsibility to ensure program fees are paid on time. Repetitive late payments will result in (2) demerit points; and consistent late payments will be grounds for discharge from the program.

Refund Policy:

All program fees paid are non-refundable. ln the event that resident leaves early or is discharged, Shawano Recovery’s House Program will not refund any unused program fees.

Financial Obligations

The Recovery House provides the following:

  • Household items used in common areas. Some examples include Dish detergent, paper towel, cleaning supplies.

Participants are expected to be financially responsible for themselves and provide their own personal needs. This includes: 

  • All food
  • Personal care items. Some examples include body wash/soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, laundry detergent.

Personal items should be stored in your personal area unless you are willing to share with the house.

 *Please be mindful that some participants coming into the house may not have what they need- please share with them if you can, until they get on their feet.


The following criteria is necessary to be considered for the program:

  • Be focused on their recovery; and consider it to be their top priority.
  • Be open-minded, willing to take suggestions and feedback, and ready to make a significant change in your life especially as it pertains to sobriety.
  • Be willing to gain employment; or volunteer if employment is not an option.
  • Be willing to undergo a mental health and or ASAM assessment (if requested); and follow all recommendations / a treatment plan set by a qualified care provider.


Applicants must advise the resident advisor of ANY medications they are taking:

  • Street drugs are, of course, strictly prohibited.
  • All prescription medications will be carefully reviewed. This may include
  • consulting the prescribing physician; and consideration of alternative
  • treatments and / or housing options.
  • Residents may be required to sign a medication safety plan, use a lock box, or take other precautions to ensure the safety of the house.

 Failure to adhere to this medication policy will result in immediate discharge from The Lake House.

Your House:

The Lake House is a smoke free home. There are areas designated outside of the house for you to smoke. Anyone who smokes in the home will be asked to pack up and leave immediately.

 The participants of the House represent Shawano Recovery and the recovery community, so we ask that you do your very best to be a good neighbor. One way we can do that is to always keep our properties clean and orderly. You will be responsible for snow removal and keeping the grass mowed. This will be a shared responsibility with your peers. The chores list (when needed) determines who does what.

If you are a smoker, do not throw your cigarette butts on the ground- there is a smoking receptacle available outside in the designated smoking area. Loitering and lewd or offensive language will not be tolerated- be mindful of your neighbors.

In the event a neighbor comes to you with a concern, please do the following:

  1. Be respectful and apologize if appropriate.
  2. Say to neighbor, “Please wait while I get you the Executive Directors Contact information (business cards will be posted on corkboard). C. Give the information to the neighbor.
  3. Call the Executive Director immediately

 Your Room:

Your room at the house is your personal space. It is your responsibility to keep it clean and organized and to notify the Executive director of any maintenance issues. Locks are not allowed on any of the rooms-no exceptions. All rooms can be subject to a room search at any time by the resident advisor. Participants are encouraged to decorate to their taste but must always remain respectful of others. Decorations must be free from any drug and/or alcohol related materials.

Controlled Medication Policy

Controlled medications will be locked in a double keyed safe inside of the resident office only to be accessed by a certified med management technician.

 Non-Violence Policy 

Any act of violence, including but not limited to, physical violence such as hitting, pushing, punching, smacking, biting, spitting, strangling, grabbing forcefully, or harming one’s self, is prohibited. Making threats of bodily harm, even joking or not not directed at anyone specific, is prohibited.

Drug/Alcohol Free Facility 

SR is a drug and alcohol-free facility, the use, sale of, possession of or the manufacture of any prohibited substance is forbidden. This includes the use of prescription medications that are not prescribed to you or abuse of prescriptions that are prescribed to you,  all legal THC alternatives including Delta, Salvia and K2. We reserve the right to perform a drug and/or alcohol screening at any time to determine sobriety. Failure to submit to a test and/or failure to pass a test will result in your immediate departure. Any prohibited substance found during room checks will also result in you being asked to depart.

 Our Program

The Recovery House program emphasizes recovery fundamentals early on and earned privileges over time. For the first 20 days you will be asked to remain at home unless working outside of the house or attending recovery related meetings in the community. After the first 20 days you will be expected to continue in your recovery journey as stated in the activities section below.

Point System:

Upon arrival you will be given 10 points. Violations of the rules will result in a loss of corresponding points. You will be given the opportunity to earn back points by doing service work assigned to you by the resident advisor. In the event you lose 5 or more points you will need to meet with the house manager to create and work on a restoration plan at their earliest convenience.

You can be proactive in earning back points by asking the resident advisor what additional service work you could perform during your stay. You are able to earn back one point per day.

Community Living:

The Lake House is a communal living environment. This means that you live in a shared environment with people of many different backgrounds and personalities. As such, it is expected that each guest maintains a clean environment, as well as work together. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Maintaining quiet hours in your room between 10:30 pm and 6:30 am. ( 1-2 points)
  • All clients must be out of bed by 8:00 am, dressed and ready with beds made by 8:30am The TV will be off from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm ( 2-3 points)
  • Washing all of your bedding and clothing weekly. To use the laundry machines on site, you must sign up ahead of time to avoid any conflicts. (1 point)
  • All towels, sheets, blankets and hygiene products are given by staff.
  • Dressing appropriately and modestly in common areas of the house, including bedrooms. (1 point)
  • Maintain good hygiene. Shower and change clothes on a daily basis, and wash clothes regularly. (1 point)
  • No entering the rooms of other guests or opening their doors without their advance permission. (10 points)
  • Bathroom doors must be closed, latched and locked at all times while in use. (3-5 points)
  • No sleeping or smoking in the parking lot or inside of any vehicle. (10 points)
  • All residents are required to attend all provided classes and meetings unless you are working and provide your work schedule or have an appointment approved by the resident advisor.

 House Meetings:

It is the responsibility of all house participants to arrange and attend a regularly scheduled weekly house meeting. These are peer-run meetings with the resident advisor calling them to order. These meetings are intended to:

Please Verify house meeting times with your house mates

  1. Address any house-related issues that are affecting the group.
  2. Promote participation in the lives and recoveries of their housemates.
  3. Assign weekly goals.
  4. Inform each other of any joys and/or concerns they may have.
  5. Update each other on the progress made within each other’s recoveries.

 Weekly Activity Logs

The House weeks begin on Monday and end on Sunday. Weekly activity logs must be turned in by the house meeting, for the previous week. These logs are each participants’ opportunity to document that they are meeting program requirements. All activity logs must be completed before the scheduled house meeting and turned into the resident advisor.

Recovery Community Activities: 

Actively participating in recovery programs is the best way to ensure continued sobriety, spiritual growth, and strengthening your recovery. Each House participant is required to:

  • Attend at least three recovery meetings per week
  • Obtain a sponsor/mentor within their chosen path of recovery
  • Declare a home group. 


WE at SR want all of our participants to depart from our sober living program having achieved their recovery goals. Participants will create an approved 30-day exit plan to transition out of the House program. Additionally, participants are expected to:

  • Leave your room as clean as it was the day you moved in • Clean out your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and storage areas
  • Stay connected within the Recovery Community.

In the event a participant is discharged for disciplinary reasons, Resident advisor will proceed as follows:

  • Contact the emergency contact listed on participant’s application • Discharge paperwork must be signed; if participant is unable to sign discharge paperwork, participant will be considered discharged from the program.
  • Allow discharged participant’s emergency contact 72 hours to pick up their belongings
  • Donate discharged participant’s belongings to others in need if they are not picked up within 72 hours
  • Discharged participants are not permitted in House without consent of the Executive Director. Unauthorized entry after discharge will be treated as a trespassing violation.

Phase Structure

SR has implemented a phase structure. Our housing model is based on
incentives for progression through recovery related tasks and personal progress. Each phase brings new privileges as you develop your personalized recovery journey. All residents in Orientation/Probationary phase through phase 1 must use Homebase to track when they leave or enter the home. 

Orientation / Probationary: (20 days)
1. Orientation is designed to help new residents to become involved with the house, get to know other residents, and learn to put personal recovery and protecting the safe and sober environment of the community as their top priorities.
2. All new residents will begin on orientation phase. During this time, residents must be accompanied by SR staff, an approved sponsor/ mentor or family member to attend outside AA/NA meetings or church groups, food shopping, and other approved activities.

3. Residents may go to work or seek employment during the Orientation Restriction period but need to return to the house immediately following employment interview or their work shift. When on Orientation or probation, the resident must inform the Resident Advisor about where they are going and when they will be and fill out the form at 
4. All residents on orientation or probationary phase are not allowed to have visitors except immediate family in the community room only, with prior approval.
5. Visitors may drop off property to the orientation resident after it has been scanned by the Resident Advisor.
6. ALL MEDICATIONS MUST BE CHECKED IN WITH THE RESIDENT ADVISOR FOR LOG IN. Curfew is 9:00PM in Orientation/Probationary period with the exception of work, recovery related meetings or relegious services.   

Phasing Up: All residents beginning on orientation phase must complete all intake paperwork, pass a drug screen to become eligible for phase one privileges. All residents demoted to a probationary Phase for corrective action will complete all requirements set forth in their individualized correction action plan and behavioral contract, prior to returning to phase one. Probationary periods are individualized and may vary based on infractions.

PHASE ONE: (20-40 days)
1. Complete 10-15 Peer supported hours weekly (10 in initial 10 days) 2. Attend 3 AA/NA meetings per week if unemployed or 2 if employed. 3. Attend all mandatory house meetings.
4. Obtain a Sponsor or peer support specialist / recovery coach

Phasing Up:
To Phase-Up from Phase 1 to Phase 2, the resident must have accomplished the following:
1. If after 20 days, the resident has accomplished the following, the resident may qualify to meet with the Resident Advisor, explain the progress they have made and request approval to move into Phase
2. It is important to remember that moving up in the phases of residency is based upon completing specific recovery and life tasks and demonstrating the ability to practice the principles of sober and responsible living within the SR Recovery Residence.

PHASE TWO: (40-60 days)
1. Attend a minimum of 3 AA/NA meetings per week
2. Working full time, going to school or performing volunteer work 3. Complete 10 Peer Supported hours weekly
4. Begin working the 12 steps with your sponsor
5. Continuous attendance at all House meetings
6. Displaying role-model behavior
10. Follow all rules and regulations
7. Curfew is 10:00pm and resident is eligible for weekend passes.

Phasing Up:
To Phase-Up from Phase 2 to Phase 3, the resident must have accomplished the following:

If after 40-60 days, the resident has accomplished the phase two tasks outlined above and has secured a leadership role within the house the resident may qualify to meet with the Resident Advisor, explain the progress they have made and request approval to move into Phase 3. It is important to remember that moving up in the phases of residency is based upon completing specific recovery and life tasks and demonstrating the ability to practice the principles of sober and responsible living within the SR Recovery Residence.

PHASE THREE: (60 days +)
1. Begin making outside living arrangements
2. Completion of the Relapse Prevention Plan and review with Executive Director 3. Become a mentor in the house
4. Continuous meeting attendance, working the steps with your Sponsor
5. Display role-model behavior
6. Complete a minimum of 5 hours of peer support weekly.
7. Curfew is 11:00